Sustainable Design for the New Millenium (3)
Intensive Greenroofs
Intensive greenroofs look more like a traditional roof garden. They can
incorporate a much wider variety of plants (such as flowering shrubs, vegetables,
and even trees) because the substrate depths can be designed to be as deep as
the designed roof load will support. Depths start at about six inches up to 15 feet.
The main difference between a roof garden and an intensive greenroof is
that a greenroofing system is applied on top of the entire roof deck surface,
allowing unimpeded drainage and a more even weight distribution over the whole
Architectural accents -- such as waterfalls, ponds, seating areas, and the
like -- can be part of an intensive greenroof system. Such roofs can provide
recreation areas where people can interact with nature and with one another.
These systems can take advantage of otherwise forgotten (and usually ugly)
rooftop space by creating active areas for contemplation and play.
The Advantages of Greenroofs
Loss of greenspace and its inherent natural processes are by-products of
our modern "asphalt jungle." Plants and engineered soil atop a greenroof
enhance the environment through the natural processes of evapotranspiration
and photosynthesis, thereby ameliorating the surrounding ecosystem.
The specific benefits of (and market drivers for) greenroofs run the gamut
from easing environmental stress to creating an eco-friendly corporate image to
reestablishing endangered bird species. The following sections discuss the
advantages of greenroofs in more detail.
Environmental Benefits
Stormwater Management
Greenroofs reduce stormwater volume and slow down water flow, thus
helping to alleviate the pressure on stormwater infrastructure systems.
Many large, older
Francisco) have combined sewer systems where wastewater from storm drains
and sewage pipes is intermingled. During heavy rains, runoff from impervious
surfaces such as rooftops and pavements can cause overflow in already overburdened
systems, resulting in contamination of lakes, rivers, and other
freshwater sources. Exhibit 2 shows the percentage of impervious cover that is
typical of various contemporary land use types.
Greenroofs capture and retain huge amounts of water that otherwise
would go down the storm drains, absorbing anywhere between 50 to 95 percent
of the rain that falls on site. Factors affecting retention rates include the intensity
of the storm, depth of media, and plant mass.
The intelligent use of best management practices (BMPs) includes
greenroofs that intercept and delay rainfall runoff and reduce the peak flow rate.
These practices can result in significant environmental improvements, as well as
long-term savings to building owners and municipalities.
Redrawn from Bruce Ferguson's "Introduction to Stormwater: Concept, Purpose, Design," 1998.
Water Quality Improvement
Greenroofs also filter and cool water runoff. They can help prevent
nitrogen, phosphorus, and toxins from entering streams and waterways. Heavy
metals and nutrients found in stormwater are bound in the engineered soil of the
greenroof instead of being discharged into groundwater or streams and rivers.
Greenroofs can remove over 95 percent of the cadmium, copper, and lead, and
16 percent of the zinc, from rainwater. They can also substantially reduce
nitrogen levels.7
Coastal cities such as
warming of the water in their rivers and bays resulting from discharge of heated
stormwater. This temperature change can greatly affect the health of cold water
fish populations, such as salmon.
Greenroofs can help counteract this effect. They act as a sponge,
absorbing the majority of rain that falls on site. The remaining water that does
eventually run off is filtered and cooled through evapotranspiration made possible
by the plants and engineered soil medium.
Heat Mitigation
In natural landscapes, vegetative canopy biomass greatly lowers air
temperatures. By contrast, the artificial and altered surfaces common in urban
land- and roofscapes greatly raises them. Average city rooftops can easily reach
150 to 175°F in the summer.
In urban areas, tightly sealed surfaces -- such as asphalt and concrete in
parking lots and on rooftops -- soak up heat during the day and then reradiate it
back into the Earth’s atmosphere after sunset as thermal infrared radiation.
This creates an urban "heat island" effect, with the heat that is released at
night forming a dome of higher temperatures over the city. The temperature in
surrounding outlying areas. Urban heat islands contribute to our growing global
warming problem, and can also affect the local weather by creating unproductive
convective thunderstorms.
Used on a large scale, greenroof infrastructure could help reduce the
urban heat island effect by lowering ambient air temperatures. A 2002 study in
1 to 2°C if just six percent of the city’s roof tops were green.8
urban heat island reduction provision. The ordinance, which became effective in
June 2002, includes minimum standards for solar reflectance and emissivity as
set by the International ASTM (formerly known as The American Society for
Testing and Materials). The ordinance requires all new and refurbished roofs to
install greenroofs or reflective roofing.
Air Quality Improvement
In urban downtown areas, ventilation is sometimes inhibited by tall
buildings, which reduce wind speed and trap heat in air pockets. Pollutants can
remain suspended for days.
Greenroofs can filter and bind dust particles, and naturally filter airborne
toxins. Smog, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and other pollutants are absorbed
and filtered through the foliage, naturally cleansing the air. Atmospheric dust is
held until rain washes it off into the greenroof soil substrate.
Greenroofs can also help mitigate the ozone problem in urban areas by
reducing the heat island effect, which contributes to ozone creation. In
the heat island effect doubles the amount of ozone that is produced.
Studies have shown that an increase in ozone levels adversely affects
sufferers of asthma and other breathing conditions. Increasing vegetated areas,
including greenroofs, can greatly improve air quality.9
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Greenroofs can help protect watersheds and sewer systems. They act as
erosion barriers by reducing stormwater volumes, and assist in the control of
sediment transport and soil erosion. Plants and media properties (friction, root
absorption, and substrate matter) can prevent substances from entering a stream
corridor or other body of water.
Wildlife Habitat Conservation, Creation, and Restoration
Although greenroofs are not intended to be replacements for natural areas
located at ground level, they nevertheless can provide some habitat for wildlife.
In a landscape ecological context, greenroofs create an artificial or man-made
edge, while also serving as a vegetative habitat patch.
These greenroof patches, set within the matrix of a city, can accomplish
several ecological functions. If multiple greenroofs were grouped and designed
as vegetated corridors, some semblance of landscape connectivity could be
Such corridors could offer respite for migrating birds and butterflies.
Studies show that birds will travel up to 19 stories, and butterflies up to 20 stories,
above ground in search of food and cover.
Even in densely populated areas, greenroofs can attract beneficial insects,
birds, bees, and butterflies. Such greenspace also can introduce or increase
biodiversity into a highly urbanized setting. In the