Project Management International (1)

Introduction and Overview
of Project Management.
No project is too small to not be taken seriously.
What is a Project ?
A Project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create
a unique product, service or result. (PMBOK 3rd ed)
A Project :
Is performed by people.
Is constrained by limited resources (time, money, men).
Has a list of definable activities to do in a sequence.
Has measurable and quantifiable deliverables.
Has a specific objective to be completed within certain specifications.
Is progressively elaborated (developed in steps).
What is Project Management? (1)
Project Management is (PMBOK 3rd ed) is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements, through the application and integration of the initiating, planning, execution, monitor-ing and controlling, and closing processes.
PM means balancing competing demands among:
Scope, Time, Cost, Risk and Quality
Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations
Identified requirements (needs)
What is Project Management? (2)
Project Management is :
the art and science of converting vision into reality
Conversion means :
work to make something different and unique
having a time limit
having a project life cycle/ project stages


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