Resilient Bamboo House

Resilient BambooHouse is a staged house which made 90% from bamboo. All the bamboo have to go through pre-treatment process before use. Structure and roof are made from bamboo poles which are reilient against earthquake. The walls, floors, doors, and windows are made from two sided crushed bamboo panels that can function as storm shutter. The house also adopted “raft house“ concept with bamboo hydraulic at the base, to be able to fight flood. The house also equiped with rain harvest basin. The house attached into bamboo reinforced concrete foundation.

>The frame structure are made 100%from bamboo pole, tied with diagonal horizontal and vertical poles, resilient against earthquake.
>The roof frames are made from bamboo poles and split bamboo, each of the poles are anchored into the main structure, the overhangs also tied to main structure with cables to make sure it’s resilient against storm/strong wind.
>The walls are made from double sided crushed bamboo filled with 4cm styroform, ligth and strong with good insulation.
> The floor is made of double sided crushed bamboo.
> All doors and windows are double sided crushed bamboo using Japanese sliding style, can be functioned as a strom shutter.
> The house also adopted a “raft house“ concept by instaling series of drums under the house anchored to foundation with “hydraulic bamboo system“. And attemp to addressed flood threat during rainy season.
>The foundation is made from bamboo reinforced concrete equiped with rain harvest basin.


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