Working Safety in Construction Project Part 4
Construction and Training
- K3's construction and Training for all employ of level is contemned until supreme level.
- Done upon project is begun and done by periodic ala.
- Construction and Training subject:
- K3's policy project
- Trick does to talk shop safely
- Saving trick and tacling emergency
Safety Committee
- Need formed K3's Committee with membered all discipline relates and representative of contractor sub
- Committee works through periodic ala (Safety Meeting) about problem K3 in project
- Giving entry to manajamen in the effort K3's aspect step-up in project
K3's Promotion
- Up to project activity happens to be evened out by K3's Promotion program
- Intent to remind and increases awareness employs project.
- Promotion activity as poster, banner, bulletin, lomba K3 etc..
- As much employ involvement
Safe Working Practices
- Shall arrange safety guidance for each perilous work at environmentally project e.g.:
- Burn work
- Scaffolding
- Work at high
- Chemical Material purpose perilous
- Work at enclosed hall
- Work at mechanics etc..
Work Permit system
- To prevent accident of a variety perilous activity, need developed work permit system.
- All perilous work just may be begun if have had work permit that issued by authoritative function (project supervisor or K3)
- Work permit loads to make the point does work, safety precaution and needful safety equipment
Safety Inspection
- Constituting important program in phase construction for cogent that no “ unsafe act and unsafe Condition ” at project environment.
- Inspection was done by ala periodic.
- Can be done by K3's Officer or formed by Joint Inspection all element and Contractor Sub
Equipment Inspection
- All equipment (mechanical, powertools, heavy tool etc.) shall be checked by its pro before permissible is utilized deep project.
- All tool already being checked has to be given by purpose certificate proveded with by special tag.
- Check was done by ala periodic
Contractor safety
- Shall arrange Contractor safety guidance / Contractor Sub
- Subcontractor shall accomplish safety default already been established
- Each contractor sub shall have K3's officer
- Subcontractor employ shall be coached about K3 periodic ala
Traffic safety
- Project activity involve tall traffic activity
- Construction and Traffic Observation outside and in Project location
- All Project transportation vehicle shall qualify that specified
Environmental management
- Up to project happens to have done by environment management properly point Amdal / UKL's document and UPL
- Up to project happens negative impact shall be pressed as minimal as maybe to avoid damage to environmentally
Waste management and B3
- Project activity evoke waste in large quantities, in various form.
- Waste shall be brought off with every consideration in accordance with its type.
- Waste shall shortly besued of project location
- Need to be arranged by emergency Procedure corresponds to condition and project danger character e.g. fire-risk, accident, detonation etc..
- Emergency soup shall publicized and coached to all employ
Accident Investigation and Reporting System
- All accident and instance up to project shall be investigated by practiced officer with aim to look for the root cause that similar instance is not recurring back.
- All accident / instance has to be noted and made by analysis and accident statistic
- Utilized as material in meets K3's committee Project
K3's audit
- Periodic ala to be done K3's audit corresponds to project duration
- K3's audit functions to know weakness and K3's performing excess in project as entry of next project performing
- As entry in give K3's appreciation
- Work schedule already being arranged by its implementation with every consideration.
- Provide resource required just for going K3LL'S program
- K3LL'S policy grade coherent
- For program to monitor K3's performing in corporate.
- System grade audits and good inspection according to firm condition.