Building Management Profession Interest Project
Project management. Hearing this terminology maybe You have a lot of interpretation. There is that links as part of civil knowledge discipline (civil engineering). Or, there is that on the contrary allergic with word "project", as well as konotasi negative "project" activities at governance. Eventually, project definition actually been made to differentiate it from operation.
According to Project Management Institute, project is activity / tentative effort that is done as to establish product or unique service. Thing that adequately specific of characteristic project is its character that temporary, not workaday activity and repetitive. Project at least gets to be seen and is brought off of 9 subdisiplin sciences / managements namely: scope management , time management, cost management, quality management, resource management, communication management, risk management, procurement's management, and integration management. All a part this knowledge discipline mutually concerning mutually, so mastery and aplication is very important its mean divides project fruitfulness.( A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge).
What is its privilege project management? According highlight make beginning person sees the importance for this knowledge discipline is while nation Americaning to experience serious failing at their project mega. It is correct, sentence that is now get wind: " Houston we have a. problem." Voiced sentence Apollo body 13 one fail, opening NASA'S eye on the importance for project management. Previously, they just emphasize technical problem and rather ignore problem that human's character (management). History crossbar this is that start project management developing that there are many is begun from construction industry the world (civil engineering). But, what is project management just relevant for construction project?
Other study that adequately pulls to hail from technological industry the world information (IT). Standish is Group on 1998 publish reportings that their naming Chaos Theory. Its content is enough nonpluses, that stated IT project successful on 1998 just 26%. Its rest is entering challenged's category (with the meaning overtime and overbudget ) or even category input fails( failed ). Interesting, under study that more intens apparently factor is outgrown cause of failing (86%) not technical problem, but more on management factor, in this case project management.
This is that equitable being seen so deep formative industrial IT (or ala by and large information communications technology industry), project management becomes one of discipline which amends most quick and get attention so serious. Don't except at Indonesia.
At our state, manager certification echo professional project may become to trigger oil industry and gas requisition. In industry that have this tall risk, employ interest can't be bargained again, so fairly a number 's given certification welder, instalator's certification electricity, and other as it becomes absolute stipubting. Employs local unlikely competing with its friend of various state. Thing such it project management profession. Profession certification becomes thing that is seen is of important as one of asset in point out profesionalitas's zoom someone.