1. BioFil gang land the same size. Depth is adjusted with the pipeline toilets. Give solid foundation of sand approximately 10 cm. 
  2. BioFil in place to cut and set the correct position with the (water level). 
  3. Connect the pipes Inlet and outlet channels. 
  4. Fill with water BioFil ¼ through all the manhole to each room / screen simultaneously / balanced. Start up with the land around the BioFil a ¼ of the total higher. 
  5. Fill with water BioFil ½ through all the manhole to each room / screen simultaneously / balanced. Continue with the hoarding of land around the BioFil a ½ of the total higher. 
  6. Charging water to pass through outlets and continue excavation of the manhole at the neck. 
  7. Place the ventilation pipes. 
  8. If the top surface will be burdened needed cast reinforced concrete.


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