Strategy for City Planning of Banten Province

What happened to Banten Province?

  1. No strong vision/objective
    • Narrow view of planning : detached from global issues.
    • Loosing the opportunities & potential
    • Lack of entrepreneurship & marketing
  2. Short term solution, unsustainable practice & non-coherent planning
    • Patching up work/’gali lubang tutup lubang’
    • Short term view &: Energy (pollution), transportation (congestion), environment (climate change), Social & economic (economic disparity, jobless, social unrest)
  3. Weak Process: Lack of Enforcement, Transparency & Democracy
    • Good planning, but difficult to implement: Corruption & lack of enforcement
    • Good vision, but not for everyone : public participation, transparency
    • Good action, but slow process : bureaucracy
  4. Absence of Mass Rapid Transport Strategy
    • Dependence to automobile
    • No vehicle ownership control
    • Pollution, congestion
    • Uneven development
What Banten can offer ?

  • High number of urban population
    • high consumption/demand
    • supply of man power
  • Large area & potential for horizontal expansion
  • Rich cultural and historical background
  • Geographical location & climate
  • Relatively lower cost of economy
Banten development...? manila or singapore?

Challenge for city planning :

Global Restructuring of Financial Market
Changes in Production/Distribution-Supply Chain,
Emergence of IT, Space and Time Compression
Global Community – cross culture influence and global identity/branding

more than 50% globally, live in urban
pressure on urban poor and environment
edge/satellite cities, creating traffic & urban expansion

Global Warming & Energy Deficiency
Continuous use and dependence to non-renewable energy
Rising price of oil worldwide & energy crisis
Pollution and global heating, rise of sea level

More power/authority/flexibility to regulate and plan the cities
But, with significant decrease of state/central government budget
Readiness of local government

Issue Strategic :
  1. 1. Strategic Positioning of Cities
  2. Environmentally Sensitive Planning
  3. Transit Oriented Development
  4. Place and Character
1.Strategic positioning of Cities
Clearer vision and long term objective
Cities’ respond and positioning to globalization & decentralization: capture investment & flow of capital
Cities striving to be ‘Sustainable Global Cities’
Various scale consideration: from local to district, city, regions and beyond

Global City : Strong Core Identity, Clear Development Vision, Creative Marketing
Sustainable City : Vibrant Economy, Cultural & Social Equality, Environmentally Balance

Cities are competing to be more attractive for investment & place for living

Political stability,
Personal freedom,
Air pollution
The quality of healthcare,
Etc. (total 39 factor)

Strategic positioning of Cities

WAS : ranked 16th before the Olympic Games of 1992
NOW : ranked 3rd most popular tourist destination in Europe, 1999

Architecture Tourism – Civic Pride Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has attracted 6.3 million visitors Since its opening in 1997.
The museum was 79% of visitors as their reason for visiting bilbao

London’s cultural & creative sector generates $ 89.9 b in revenue providing more than 500,000 jobs

Best City to live in

Visitorship increase 9 % $ 6.4 billion economy

Voted city with best Nightlife

9,1 % GDP Growth

11 % visitorship growth 1998-2002

Global Cities Branding
Metro Melbourne : "The World's Most Livable City"
Singapore : "Uniquely Singapore, Tropical City of Excellence"
Hongkong : "Asia's Word City, Discover Hongkong"
Malaysia : "Truly Asia"
Thailand : "Amazing"

3 Elements in urban planning to attract investment:

world class urban planning/design
City as business entity
1. Thinking long term
2. Pro-business approach
3. Working as one
4. Open-transparent system
5. Being flexible and responsive
City’s role in global context

Sustainable & Environmentally Responsive Development
Environmental assessment & standard reinforcement : Use of Technology & GIS
‘Green Development’ Planning Standard
Use of alternative energy: renewable non pollutant
Recycle and regeneration

The benefits of GIS in spatial and infrastructure planning:
Query any size area and any boundary configuration to determine potential demand and load serving areas of several substations.
Examine and explain multiple land use scenarios.
Assign loads to different type of use, including commercial, industrial and various residential densities.
Results in realistic views of development, taking into account the physical limitations of an area.
Layers of related information as bases
Overlaid for composite suitability analysis
Identify Ecological Sensitivity Map
Analytical tool for design and planning judgment

Evaluation + Certification programs
Different Levels of Green Certification are Awarded Based on Credits Earned for Satisfying Criteria in Six Categories:
- Sustainable Sites
- Water Efficiency
- Energy & Atmosphere
- Materials & Resources
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Innovation & Design Process
Developed and Administered by the United States Green Building Council.

Transit Oriented Development
Mass rapid transportation as relief for urban congestion and main accessibility mode for city
Edge cities or Satellite cities bases on mass transportation corridor.
Land Use Mix that Reduces Auto Travel and Facilitates Transit
Compact development that is walkable and allow other mode of transport, i.e. bicycle

City’s Character and Sense of Place
Finding character & identity in the past: preservation & conservation, as strategy to tourism & district revitalization
Return the public realm to the people: transform infrastructure nightmare into green & public urban space
Create city’s architectural landmark as identity. As part of tourism strategy
Mixed use district allowing live-work and play.


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