PIVICI The Fenestration System uPVC Windows & Doors

In the earliest steps of civilization, a door was solely a passageway from
the sheltered inside to the harsh environment outside. With the ongoing
evolution of civilization, buildings were created with windows and doors
that function as paths for sun light and air to pass through. In today’s
building environment, expectations of windows and doors are high.
A sophisticated fenestration system that comes with an aesthetic
design as well as features such as watertight-ness, airtight-ness, high
insulation values for heat and sound, burglarproof rating, durability, and
easy maintenance are demanded.

During the lifespan of a building, an enormous amount of energy is
consumed. Up to 50% of energy consumption of a building is related to
heat gain or loss through windows and doors. This not only depletes
the global energy resources, but also affects our energy expenses directly.

With more than 40 years of history and having one of the best
insulation values, uPVC windows and doors have a proven
track record to perform and deliver energy efficient solutions.
It is the material of choice for windows and doors today and
plays an increasingly important role in energy conservation
efforts in the building industry.

Germany, as a pioneer and industrial leader of uPVC fenestration system,
sets the standards for this industry.
VEKA AG as its market leader and
driving force in research and development is always committed to improving
window & door performance. Independent test results show that
uPVC windows have the lowest U-value when compared to aluminum windows
and other uPVC window brands ( see chart ).
WHAT IS U-value ?

U-value is the thermal transmission coefficient of doors and windows.
It is calculated as W/m2K and refers to the amount of heat energy (W)
given out per area (m2) at a given temperature difference (K).

A lower U-value means a window has a better insulation performance.
Current European standards request for windows to have a
U-value 2.0W/m2K.


Pella windows said…
Good post, indeed the gaming industry is growing at an exponential growth rate and everyday its new level is coming. Once again a very inspiring and informative post.

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