Bamboo for Biomass : CO2 Calculation

Resource from email
Elizabeth A. Widjaja
Elizabeth A. Widjaja's profile photo
Researcher on bamboo

CO2 Calculation

Here you can see in detail how our calculator computes your personal CO2 output values. 


1 litre kerosene releases 0,00257 tons CO2

One Short Distance Return.Flight (4.000km, 8 litre kerosene/100km/person): = 0,825 tons/year
One Long Distance Rtn.Flight (20.000km, 4 litre kerosene/100km/person): = 2,056 tons/year
If you enter the kilometres directly, the numbers for Long distance Flights is used.
The formula is: kilometer x (4/100) x 0,00257 = tons/year


1 litre petrol releases 0,00233 tons CO2, average consumption of 7 litre/100km

sometimes = 2.500 km/year = 0,41 tons/year
often = 10.000 km/year = 1,63 tons/year
always = 40.000 km/year = 6,524 tons/year
If you enter the kilometres directly the following formular is used:
kilometer x (7/100) x 0,00233 = tons/year


1km = 0,00006 tons/Person ( = 6 kg/100km/person)

sometimes (2.500 km/year) = 0,15 tons/year
often (10.000 km/year) = 0,6 tons/year
always (40.000 km/year) = 2,4 tons/year
If you enter the kilometres directly the following formular is used:
kilometer x 0,00006 = tons/year


Below average: 600 kWh = 0,381 tons/Person/year
Average: 1200 kWh = 0,762 tons/Person/year
Above average: 2400 kWh = 1,524 tons/Person/year
If you enter the kiloWatt hours directly the following formular is used:
KWh x 0,000635 = tons/Person/year



Below average: 500 litres = 1,31 tons/Person/year
Average: 1000 litres = 2,62 tons/Person/year
Above average: 2000 litres = 5,25 tons/Person/year
If you enter the litres directly the following formular is used:
Litres x 0,00262 = tons/Person/year


Below average: 500 m3 = 0,89 tons/Person/year
Average: 1000 m3 = 1,78 tons/Person/year
Above average: 2000 m3 = 3,56 tons/Person/year
If you enter the qubicmetres directly the following formular is used:
m3 x 0,00178 = tons/Person/year



The more local food you eat the less CO2 is produced. The more fast food meals you consume, the higher is the CO2 production.

Button 1: 0,7 tons/Person/year
Button 2: 1,5 tons/Person/year
Button 3: 3 tons/Person/year


The less products being bought, the less CO2 is produced. Especially products travelling long distances result in a higher CO2 production.

Button 1: 1 tons/Person / year
Button 2: 2,3 tons/Person / year
Button 3: 5 tons/Person / year


1 hectar = 10.000 m2 = 2,47 acre
1 acre = 4046,8 m2 = 0,40 hectar

1 metric ton = 1,1 short ton = 0,9 long ton
1 metric ton = 1000 kg = 2204.58 lbs

1 metric ton Carbon = 3,6 metric tons CO2 = 3600 kg CO2
1 metric ton CO2 = 0,278 metric tons Carbon

1 US$ = 14.000 Rupiah
1 Euro = 16.607 Rupiah
1 Euro = 1,19 US$


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