It is important that owner project management establishes effective lines of communication among the groups in its organization and the groups in the organizations of the suppliers and contractors on a project. It is also important that owner groups review the qualifications of the key personnel that suppliers and contractors propose to manage contract work. 

Organization Requirements

The organization structures that large suppliers and contractors use to fulfill contract requirements on a project can be complex.

Owner project management decides how the groups in supplier and contractor organizations communicate with the groups in the owner's project organization.

If there is a large amount of information that is exchanged between certain owner and supplier or contractor groups, the owner can have this information exchanged directly between these groups.

Key Personnel Requirements

The key personnel that suppliers and contractors assign to a project are very important to the successful achievement of contract requirements.

Although resumes of supplier and contractor proposed key personnel are helpful in evaluating their qualifications, owner interviews of these personnel during the bid period are more effective.

Certain suppliers and contractors are reluctant to commit which key personnel will be assigned to a particular contract since they may be using the resumes of several key personnel in other bid proposals.

RFP's also specify the owner's approval rights for supplier and contractor key personnel changes after contract award.


  • Security Program at Project Site-->owners often provide all or a large portion of the security programs required at their project sites .
  • Facilities and Office Equipment-->owners may have existing facilities that have sufficient available space to accommodate the needs of contractors working on a project.
  • Storage and Maintenance-->an owner can receive and store materials and equipment that it procures at a project site.
  • Construction Equipment-->certain construction equipment can be purchased and furnished to construction contractors more economically than it can be rented from construction contractors.
  •  Service -->service contractor charges for administrative personnel such as secretaries and clerks required at a project site are often higher than the costs to an owner for providing these administrative services to the contractor.
  • Utilities-->such as electricity, water, and gas are often supplied by an owner to the contractors working at a project site.


Owners are responsible for the safety of personnel that perform work activities on their property.

  • Construction Contracts-->there are a number of basic elements that are required for an effective safety program.
  • Testing Contracts-->testing activities for certain types of projects can result in serious injuries to project personnel if adequate safety precautions are not taken.


The requirements for plans of this type are detailed, including items such as:

  • General information on the plant site and a specific list of hazardous substances that defines the quantities of the substances and the storage location of the substances.
  • Facility drainage and spill prevention practices.
  • Emergency response procedures that define owner and contractor responsibilities.
  • Emergency and personnel protection equipment located in the project area that can be used in the event of a major spill or fire.
  • Release notification procedures that define internal and external groups that are notified in case of a spill. Special emergency response contractors required for major spills are identified.
  • Clean-up procedures.


Labor relations activities that involve companies and the unions that represent their employees can have a significant impact upon a project.


Contracts for work on projects involving the federal government are subject to a number of federal laws and regulations covering government procurement activities.

Equal Opportunity Requirements

The federal government requires that contractors for government work have affirmative action programs that encourage minority and female participation in their contract work.

Davis Bacon Wage Requirements

Representations and Certifications

  • Small business concern representations
  • Certification of non-segregated facilities.
  • Clean air and water certification.
  • Certificate of independent price determination.
  • Contingent fee representation and agreement.
  • Certificate regarding debarment from working on federal contracts.
  • Certification regarding a drug free workplace.
  • Certificate of procurement integrity.
  • Certification and disclosure regarding payments to influence certain federal transactions.
  • Disclosure of ownership or control by a foreign government that supports terrorism.


Project management is responsible for determining which major suppliers and contractors will interface directly with project management and which suppliers and contractors will interface directly with the procurement group.

The project group responsible for managing a service contractor defines the items that the owner will furnish to a service contractor.


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