Bamboo in Housing and its Environment is Reduce Carbon Footprint
Bamboo in H ousing and its E nvironment is R educe C arbon F ootprint Mukoddas Syuhada 1 1 Secretary of Housing, Settlement and Land Affairs of South Tangerang City Abstract . Nowadays, according to the life style, people always provide life more comfortable which has negative effects of the energy will get in to environmental by pollution of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2). Therefore, its being trigger climate change and global warming. Economic growth caused environmental decline and could not be sustained. Having said that, we can provide awareness by individually, family, or collectively is measuring the Carbon Footprint in residential and their environment. This study will give you an idea of how much natural resources are directly used in healthy housing, convert them to released carbon emissions, and thus we are expected to limit ourselves to eco-friendly behavior. Carbon Footprint bamboo houses are calculated in tons of carbon or tons of carbon dioxide which ...