
Showing posts from September, 2008


RISK RESPONSE n       Risk retention n       Risk reduction n       Risk transfer n       Risk avoidance RETENTION n       Small losses expected, estimated or predicted n       Likelyhood of loss could be absorbed by the business, project or individual n       Likelyhood of dmages occuring relatively small REDUCTION n       Ensuring awareness of a existence of a risk n       Sharing of risk with other parties n       Enquiring and asking the right questions regarding a particular risk n       Physical protection to reduce the risk from occurring TRANSFER n       Make sure the party is aware of risk being transferred to that party n       Insurance is most common for risk transfer n       Liability of risk could occur long after the project has been completed (latent defects) AVOIDANCE n       Rescinding of contract by employer due to failure of carrying out of a contract


RISK ANALYSIS n       Dependent and Independent Factors n       Dependent and Independent Variables n       Impact Measures n       Causes n       Treatment and Mitigation n       Planning and Design n       Policy measures and Instruments RISK MODELLING n       Goals : P = Kinerja n       Risk prioritizing : P = f(X).f(D) n       Basic Risk Model : f(X).f(D).f(C),f(T) n       Risk Optimization and Simulation             P = K{R[f(X).f(D).f(C).f(T)]}, P = Performancs, K = Kebijakan, R = Rencana, X = Faktor     Resiko, D =Dampak, C = Cause/ penyebab, T = Tinadakan koreksi n       Parametrics          : Regressions, Corellation etc. n       Non-Parametrics : Mean, mode etc n       AHP n       Simulation & Monte Carlo Methods MONTE CARLO RISK SIMULATION Establishment Samples for Modelling with Risk Management Analysis's Method Probability Distribution's establishment every variable Historical data collecting or another via model makings wit...


PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTATION n       Introduction : Background, goals, approach n       The Context n       Project Definition n       Risk Identification & Evaluation n       Risk Analysis and Quantification n       Risk Modeling and Management : Impact, Causes and Treatment/Mitigation n       Risk Project Documentation and Conclusions   RISK MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PROCESS n       Plan n       Goals n       Existing condition and context n       Literature studies n       Basic questionnaire for experts respondents n       Basic Analysis for stakeholders respondents n       Risk Modeling and analysis n       Risk treatment Mitigation and recommendations CONTEXT DEVELOPMENT n       Background n       Goals of a project and their performance measures n       Relations between the internal and external factors and variables n       Risk Issues that effect performance of projects n       Empirical information and data of the project RISK I...


IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION ASSESSMENT EVALUATION ANALYSIS MITIGATION Part 1 : Introducing Risk RISK DEFINITION EVENTS THAT:  Can cause damage or loss of Asset & Lives  Leading to Existence or Creation of Uncertainty  Reduce Performance or Control Level  Increase Cost and Time But Reduce Quality Risk Management Theory Flow Chart RISK LEVEL CONTEXT PROJECT FUNCTION RISK RELATIONS RISK MANAGEMENT PROJECT GROUP WORK PROJECT SELECTION AND GROUP ESTABLISHMENT : n       Determine Group, members and leader n       Determine Project Level &   Topic : Tol-Way, Port, Busway, Monorail, Condominium, Hospital, National, Regional, Company or other. PROJECT EXECUTION STEPS : n       Project Research Plan Proposal n       Data Collection n       Project Analysis n       Project Documentation n       Project Presentation.


Roof structure for: Mosque and Dome Stadium, Hall and indoor Stadium, Canopy and Skylight. SYSTEM Space Frame adopts the solid balljoint type which in combination with connecting members, enables the most efficient axial load distribution within a structure. Its unique geometry and practical method of installation enhance its appeal to designers. The system comprises of four major elements: 1. Members/chords or tubes complete with endcones, hexnuts and bolts. 2. Balljoints/nodes made of high grade steel or stainless steel 3. Support points, anchored to columns, beams or direct to the footings 4. Connecting elements to the roofing, wall, cladding or floor panels. DESIGN Architects as well as Engineers have a freehand and full back up to materialise any kind of design. Space Structures can withstand varied kind of heavy loads, static or dynamic and is especially suitable for large span/column free buildings. Its structural analysis as assisted by Computer Aided programs resulting in opti...

Bor Pile Methode

Bore Pile

To build the simulation models for the piling process, construction steps have to be defined in detail. Depicts the detailed construction steps of the piling process starting from the axis adjustment to concrete pouring and finishing the pile. The construction steps can be summarized as follows:   1. Adjust the piling machine on the pile axis. 2. Haul with the auger to the drilling place. 3. Start drilling until the auger is filled. 4. Return from the drilling level to the top of the pile hole. 5. Swing to the unloading area. 6. Unload the dirt in the unloading area. 7. Swing back to the top of the hole. 8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 until the pile is completely drilled. 9. Relocate the machine and start steps 1 to 8. 10. Start erecting the rebar cage using a crane. 11. Erect the concrete pouring tool, either funnel or tremie, into the hole. 12. Use funnel for dry method and tremie for wet method. 13. Start pouring the concrete and finish the pile.   Simulation...

Momentum Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan

Kenaikan harga minyak yang menembus angka US$ 100/barel memiliki implikasi yang luas bagi ekonomi Indonesia. Selain meningkatkan penerimaan migas sekaligus juga meningkatkan angka subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) hingga 70 triliun termasuk subsidi PT PLN (Persero) yang mencapai 27 triliun. Sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan keseimbangan penerimaan migas dan subsidi BBM. Meningkatnya harga minyak mentah ini merupakan momentum pengembangan energi terbarukan. Tak ada pilihan lain. ----- Pemerintah Indonesia bertekad untuk mempercepat pengembangan dan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan. Bahkan pemerintah telah mengeluarkan insentif, baik fiskal maupun non fiskal bagi pengembang energi terbarukan ini. Untuk insentif fiskal sebagaimana diberlakukan dalam harga jual pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan diberikan tarif khusus. Sedang untuk insentif non fiskal, sebagaimana diatur dalam PP nomor 3 tahun 2005, pengembangan energi terbarukan tidak perlu diberlakukan proses tender. Rancangan Undang-Undang ...

The E3i (Energy, Economics, and Environment) Village Concept by Kamaruddin Abdullah

Introduction There is an ever increasing evidence and trend of global warming due to uncontrolled and in efficient combustion of fossil fuels Traffic jam in big cities is one of the example of inefficiency As more and more people move to the big cities, rural areas are left undeveloped and food production work will be depending on older people, while in big cities more slum areas will be created making the city becoming unconfortable place for living.   E3i village Concept (Kamaruddin,2007) Provides proper dwelling and in situ employment for its inhabitant (limited number of population allowed) Effective and productive uses of locally available renewable energy sources to support demand from house holds, SMEs and transportation sectors Provides basic infrastsucture for sustainable development Accelerate MDG activities Ultimately creates equality and justice in national development   Eco - village Concept by Robert Gilman Living Together (IC#29) Copyright (c)...