
Showing posts from 2010


ABSTRACT FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS ULTRA LONG BRIDGE IN INDONESIA By Mukoddas Syuhada NIM : 29070007 The development of ultra-long bridge in Indonesia is a complex job and contains a variety of multi-dimensional aspects that require a design and sophisticated technology, high risk, using specially designed equipments, material needs and a very large cost. The ultra-long bridge design proposal been proposed and the spirit to realize the pride of the geographical condition of Indonesia, making Indonesia’s potential to become the country which have the most ultra-long bridges in the world. As a logical consequence, it is planning ultra long bridge construction starting from the pre-feasibility studies to operational and maintenance will involve experts who have the commitment and high morale, and requires systematic planning and direction. Considering certain considerations and aspects of the feasibility study for ultra-long bridge in Indonesia, then the problem will be analyzed in this study ...

Renovation and Construction 2010



Development of Jembatan Selat Sunda/ JSS (Sunda Strait Bridge) will require a design and technology differing from other bridges which have been built either in Indonesia or also in world. Many alternative designs of Sunda Strait Bridge have been proposed and the enthusiasm to realize the pride condition geographical of Indonesia, and would makes that bridge will included into group of the longest-span bridges in world. As its logical consequence, the development planning of Sunda Strait Bridge starts from feasibility study pre up to its operational and maintenance will involve the experts with commitment and high enthusiasm and requires systematic planning and directed. Besides, because its position which is close enough to Krakatau’s Mountain that is about 50 Kilo Meters and meeting point of two tectonic plates, hence the Sunda Strait Bridge will be designed as resistant to earthquake effects and tsunami. Various studies and research had been initiated since 1960s by the bridge’s exp...