
Showing posts from 2009

My Project : Mosque

Picture 11 Picture 10 Picture 9 Picture 8 Picture 7 Picture 6 Picture 5 Picture 4 Picture 3 Picture 2 Picture 1 1. Preparatory Work : Picture 1 : Discussion about the layout of the building basement Picture 2 : Measurements using theodolit Picture 3 : While making the road to mobility vehicle project Picture 4 : Installation of pole and Installation of the fence project Picture 5 : Making Direksikeet, warehouse and workplace Picture 6 : Installation of landmark extractive basement Picture 7 : E xtractive basement and disposal of land Picture 8 : E xtractive basement is finished Picture 9 : C ultivation basement floor using a base course Picture 10 : R e-measurement to determine the reference Picture 11 : Floor in the basement ready to install the foundation KSLL


KEGAGALAN BANGUNAN DAN KONSTRUKSI PADA RUANG KELAS SMKN 1 MALINGPING BANTEN   Mukoddas Syuhada 1   1 Program Studi Magister Teknik Sipil, Universitas Pelita Harapan Email: ABSTRAK Kegagalan bangunan karena strukturnya gagal berfungsi dapat menimbulkan kerugian harta benda, bahkan korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu perlu diantisipasi secara cermat. Bangunan yang didesain terhadap beban-beban rencana dari code-code yang ada, belum dapat menjamin sepenuhnya bebas dari segala risiko kegagalan bangunan, karena penyebabnya kompleks. Salah satu strategi mengantisipasi risiko dapat dimulai dari tahap perencanaan. Langkah pertama yang penting adalah memperkirakan penyebab kegagalan sehingga dapat dibuat simulasi kejadiannya. Selain simulasi fisik (eksperimen) maka simulasi numerik berbasis komputer menjadi alternatif lain yang canggih dan relatif murah. Makalah ini akan membahas penyebab ambruknya atap 3 ruang kelas SMKN 1 Malingping Banten dan solusi pen...

Invite Media Briefing and Launch Greenpeace report "Cost of Coal fact"

Coal is a source of energy the most dirty and contaminate the environment. Coal is also a major contributor to carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. 11 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere from diemisikan Power Steam Power-out of coal each year. So that nobody can doubt anymore, PLTU coal is one of the main kontibutor speed up the rate of global warming and climate change on the planet. Climate change is the biggest threat to the environment and humanitarian and economic challenges that have faced the world. Millions of people have felt the impact of climate change and the estimated 150,000 people die each year due to impact. The Government of Indonesia at this time plan to reduce oil use and switch to coal and gas to meet the electricity needs of this country. The government plans to build 35 new PLTU Batubara throughout Indonesia, are all planned to operate in 2010. PLTU whole new capacity is 10,000 MW.  The government made the price of coal is cheaper than other energy sources as an ...